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Table 2 Associated behaviours with waterpipe use

From: A descriptive study of the perceptions and behaviors of waterpipe use by university students in the Western Cape, South Africa




40% (154)

Places where the waterpipe is smoked1

At home

11% (17)

On campus

28% (43)

In a restaurant

0.7% (1)

At a party

9% (13)

At a friend’s house

6% (9)

All of the above

46% (70)

Settings or occasions when the waterpipe is smoked

Family home

21% (30)

In a social setting

61% (88)

With alcohol consumption

13% (18)

After meals

5% (7)

Frequency of waterpipe smoking


70% (108)

Once a week

17% (26)

Every 2 weeks

3% (4)

Once a month

2% (3)

Waterpipe used with others

82% (124)

Waterpipe used alone

18% (27)

Tobacco mix easily available

90% (140)

  1. 1 The section for “Places where the waterpipe is smoked” contains 153/154 responses for these items on the questionnaire. The next sections are different items within the questionnaire and therefore do not equate to 154.