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Table 2 Participant’s smoking status, habits and dependence at baseline

From: Association between cigarette smoking and suicide in psychiatric inpatients


Number (percent)



Participants Status



571 (70%)

512 (78.4%)

59 (36.2%)


39 (4.8%)

27 (4.1%)

12 (7.4)


206 (25.2%)

114 (17.5%)

92 (56.4)


816 (100%)

653 (100%)

163 (100%)

    Nicotine Dependency


    Low (less or equal to 3)

181 (31.7%)

167 (32.6%)

14 (23.7%)

    High (more than 3)

368 (64.4%)

331 (64.6%)

37 (62.7%)

    No reply

22 (3.9%)

14 (2.7%)

8 (13.6%)


571 (100%)

512 (100%)

59 (100%)