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Table 1 Survey questions & surveyor script

From: Reported municipal costs from outdoor smoke-free by-laws-experience from Ontario, Canada




The first few questions ask about resources allocated towards bylaw promotion and awareness.


Did the community use signs to communicate the new bylaw? How many? Do you know how much it cost to produce and post those signs?



Did staff do presentations? To whom?



Did the community use pamphlets, brochures and/or posters to communicate the new bylaw? How many? Do you know the cost to print and post these?



Did the community hold public meetings? Do you know how many? Was there a cost associated with these meetings?



Were any other resources used to promote the new bylaw?

What is the approximate number of each of the following resources that were allocated towards promotion and awareness of (Bylaw No.):

◦ Signs?

◦ Presentations?

◦ Pamphlets/Brochures/Posters?

◦ # of Public Town/City/Municipal Meetings held?

◦ Other (Please Specify):


What is the approximate cost of each of the following resources that were allocated towards promotion and awareness of (Bylaw No.):

◦ Signs?

◦ Presentations?

◦ Pamphlets/Brochures?

◦ Public Town/City/Municipal Meetings held?

◦ Other (Please Specify):

The next few questions ask who is responsible for enforcing the outdoor smoke-free bylaw in your municipality, their enforcement approach, and the number of warnings and tickets that have been issued.


In your municipality, who is designated to enforce the bylaw?


____ Bylaw Enforcement Officer for Municipality

____ Local police service

____ Tobacco Enforcement Officer from the Health Unit

____ Combination of both – Please explain:


The next question asks you to describe your municipality’s enforcement approach. Please indicate if your approach incudes any of the following:


_____ Routine inspections

_____ Responding to complaints

_____ Other – Please specify:


How many warnings have been issued since the implementation of (Bylaw No.)? Did your community have a set period of time where there was a policy of issuing warnings instead of tickets – or other grace period? [yes/no] – if yes, for how long?

[It’s possible many places had a phase-in period where they did warnings for some time? If this was the practice that should be identified]


How many tickets have been issued since the implementation of (Bylaw No.)? How many of these tickets/fines have been challenged in municipal courts or other appeal processes?



In terms of resources allocated to your city/municipality’s enforcement staff: How many additional bylaw officers were hired as a result of the implementation of (Bylaw No.) in terms of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE)?



Did your municipality re-allocate resources initially to enforce this by-law during its roll-out?



How much additional cost was allocated towards enforcement staff (e.g. for hiring, salaries) as a result of the implementation of (Bylaw No.)?


The next few questions deal with public satisfaction and support for (Bylaw No.) including calls to the Tobacco Information Line or other methods of reporting complaints.


For your health unit, how many calls have you received to the Tobacco Information Line to address public complaints associated with (Bylaw No.) or outdoor smoking in general?

Are you able to tell how me many of these complains are from multiple sources or the sample people calling multiple times?

Have there been any calls to the Tobacco Information Line in support of (Bylaw No.)?


Is there another method by which people can submit a complaint? If yes, what is this method?

How many complaints have been received by this method associated with (Bylaw No.) or outdoor smoking in general?