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Table 1 Critical Study Variables

From: A profile of teen smokers who volunteered to participate in school-based smoking intervention


Response Options

Basic demographics:



Ages 14–19


Male or Female


Grades 7–12

Living arrangements

1) Both parents, 2) father only, 3) mother only, 4) grandparent,

5) father and step mother, 6) mother and step father, 7) other


1) White, 2) African American, 3) American Indian,4) Asian American,

5) Hispanic, 6) Native Hawaiian, 7) other/multi racial

Smoking history:


   Age of first try

1) <= 9 years; 2) 10 – 14 years; 3) > 14 years

   Other tobacco use: smokeless

1= No; 0 = Yes (past 30 days)

   Other tobacco use: cigars

1 = No; 0 = Yes (past 30 days)

   Other tobacco use: nicotine replacement

1 = No; 0 = Yes (past 30 days)

   Previous quit attempts

1 = No; 0 = Yes (ever attempted)

   Smoking status of parents

1 = No; 0 = Yes (current use)

   Smoking status of siblings

1 = No; 0 = Yes (current use)

   Smoking status of friends

1 = No; 0 = Yes (current use)

   Smoking status of boy/girlfriend

1 = No; 0 = Yes (current use)

   Number of Cigarettes smoked per weekday

Cigarettes per day (min. 1 – max. 90)

   Number of Cigarettes smoked per weekend day

Cigarettes per day (min.1 – max. 90)

   Level of nicotine dependence

1) Low; 2) Moderate; 3) High

Intervention Readiness:


   Motivation to quit

1) None; 2) Low; 3) Medium,; 4) High; 5) Very High

   Confidence to quit

1) None; 2) Low; 3) Medium,; 4) High; 5) Very High

Stages of change

1) Do not plan to quit in next 6 months; 2) plan to quit in next 6 months;

3) plan to quit in next 30 days; 4) made a serious quit attempt in past 6 months;

5)quit less than 6 months ago

   Perceived parents support to quit or reduce

1 = No; 0 = Yes

   Perceived siblings support to quit or reduce

1 = No; 0 = Yes

   Perceived friends support to quit or reduce

1 = No; 0 = Yes

   Perceived boy/girlfriends support to quit or reduce

1 = No; 0 = Yes